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Welcome to our latest student theatrical competition Playing Antigone.
Choose a scene from Antigone, film it and send it to us for the chance to win cash prizes!

The contest is open to high school and college students.

We are using Paul Woodruff's translation of Sophocles’ Antigone (courtesy of Hackett Publishing Company).


Here's how it works


You record a scene from Antigone and submit it to us by 30th April 2024.


Our panel of judges (including representatives from the prestigious British American Drama Academy) will watch all submissions and then announce the winners in May 2024. There will be cash prizes (and eternal glory) for the winning selections. Please note: you are welcome to record a portion of any of the scenes or speeches rather than a whole section.
We welcome entries recorded remotely or in person (safely, of course) and encourage creativity within the form–if you’re on Zoom, feel free to be inventive! How do you want to make digital theatre work for you? 
University or high school groups can enter multiple times, but each actor can appear in only one submission. 
Check back soon for an assortment of dramaturgical materials, including information about Antigone's production history, the mythic background of its characters, and some general information about the structure and form of Greek drama! 
If you have any questions or anything you want to reach out about, feel free to email

As stated above, we encourage creativity of all kinds for this competition–please don’t feel obligated to produce a scene the way you think it ‘should’ be done! This encompasses casting, costumes, performance style, anything you can think of! We’re interested in what choices you think will make the text light up–go forth and be wild. 


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